Blodnick II

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Wyo to Vegas Bowl

...and Nick too.

Yup, Wyoming, the team that won 2 games in 3 years (my sophmore thru senior years of colege) is going to be in the Las Vegas Bowl on December 23rd. HOLY CRAP! I listened to the announcement today and dang near shed a tear at work while I the Vegas Bowl representative formally invited us.

So now it is the frantic time of finding tickets, getting hotel rooms and trying to gather the money to pay for it all.

With all of this excitement I am seriously bummed about work right now. You see we have this thing called quality control in the office. Pretty much there to make sure we don't send crappy jobs out. Well they always find something in every job and they found a good one in mine. It could mean for a couple of big changes and that just blows. I can only hope I can sneak around it somehow. Stupid people wanting stupid work that is stupid correct.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Making turkey...into other stuff

Half of the fun of Thanksgiving is taking your leftover turkey and using it for stuff other than just heating it up. My turkey leftovers hapen to be a little spicy because we shoved it full of this jalapeno marinade. It is spicy stuff...but good lord it is good!

So last night when Meg was in town we made up a spicy turkey linguine with a spice pack she picked up in Pennsylvania. NICE! Wow that was some spicy spicy, but it was oh so good.

Tonight I made the one thing I haven't gotten around to yet...a turkey sandwich. Delicious. Tomorrow I am trying to come up with something completely different. On Saturday I had turkey Green Chile, so that is out. Maybe turkey and maple syrup can be combined in some way that wouldn't make me ralph. Probably not, but by God I should try.

(ps...Boise is going to Pokes should know any minute now!!!)

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Nick back in the house!

I been gone, but I am soo not sorry. I needed that break more than I thought I did. And I have to tell you, just one stressful trip on icy roads later and I feel refreshed...if not exhausted.

Turkey day was great. My mom and I had dinner with my Dad's parents. Yeah, weird story, but they all like eachother and it wouldn't be the first time we have done it. But in any case it was great. Lots of good food and fun.

I only got to see a few friends, but the ones I did made it worth it. I'd like to say that I did some crazy fun thing, but really the most exciting thing was watching a drunk redneck fry up a turkey while talking to his Dad about the moose(s) that they killed on the same day. Classic Wyoming.

But now I will be home for quite awhile...well till the potential Vegas trip for Christmas anyway. I think that will be a good thing.

I really hope you all had good times and keep checking back in on me because I will be posting regularly again what with the move being done and Thanksgiving being over.

Out peeps:)

Sunday, November 21, 2004


It is complete. I just put the key to my old place in the mailbox for the apartment I am officailly out of that one.

I have to say though, I loved that apartment. I loved how the bath was so big I was a little timid to get into it by myself. I loved how my washer and dryer fit in that little pantry snug.

I also loved how in the summer you could look out the window at any time and see scores of women laid out around the pool. Pretty much any time of day really, until the building's shadow grew over it.

I'll miss that place, because it was my first one being back in an area I love. But, I suppose, the fact that it is only about 50 yards away should soften the blow.

The new place is great and it will be fun. Short week though (woohoo!) and I head back to Casper on Wednesday. I am so very excited for that and for turkey and famiuly and friends. It will be sweet. Hope you all have great weeks too!

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Well Ken and I are moving tomorrow. I of course have barely packed anything, so while Ken will probably get everything moved tomorrow evening I will spend the whole weekend getting it all done. I love myself sometimes.

I think standing in the cold for 7 hours last Saturday night actually made me sick too. I blew some sick leave at work this afternoon. I took a shot of Nyquil and passed out for the next 5 hours. Gotta love truly is the only medicine that I swear by. That and Advil for a hangover.

The work week was ok I suppose. Busy but OK. Really I am just looking forward to getting into the new place and getting all setup and then going out and finding some stuff to put in it. I think I am just going to be tossing a bunch of stuff this time around. I bought this crap for my bedroom for like 5 I want something that is at least 30. Someday I may get something worth keeping.

Anyway, sorry for lack of posts. I hope everyone is doing great though and has a great weekend. Take care!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Cheerleader football.

So what do you do when you go to a football game at 3:30 when it is 15°F out and the wind is blowing? Well, you entertain yourself by checking out the fine ladies in their warmest clothes until the game starts at 5.

But what do you do when the game doesn't start at 5? What do you do when ABC blows the fuses and there is no electricity? Why you get the cheerleaders from the opposing teams out on that football field and by God you watch them play some hardcore football.

And oh the plays the worked up. Never in my day have a seen a 12 wide reciever set...nor have I ever watched an entire dance crew stand 20 yards behind the line of scrimmage just waiting for a deep pass to be thrown. In my life I have always wanted to say I watched one girl cheerleader sack another one in the backfield with the furiosity of 3 grown men...and now I can.

So thank you UW for having the lights go out and entertaining us (read trying like hell to make us stay while they fix their mistake) by having our school finest (hah!) duke it out on the field with Utah's skimpiest.

Oh, and by the way. Utah's 11th ranked cheerleader defense was definitley O-VER-RATE-ED!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2004

On to Laramie...again.

Only one more week till I get to do the fun "pick it up, set it down. First you pick it up...and then you set it down." Yup, the move begins next Friday at 4pm. There are so many fun (not) things to take care of between now and then. Can't wait.

So onto the Pokes game this weekend. We play Utah at home and it should be sweet...or terribly demoralizing, but either way it will make me feel some kind of emotion. Count on it. I also get to go to a Basketball game the same day. I'm going to sign up for the sixth man club even though I'm not exactly a student anymore.

Oh, and I think it is time to look for a kitty...I think.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The calm before...

...ah screw it. I hate that stupid line.

Anyway, things finally blew open today at work. I am moving quick on this project. I have some help under me and enough time to do it right. Weird.

So let's talk about tennis. Mario Power Tennis to be specific. Those that know me know how addicted I got to the game a few years ago. Well it is back! You know what that means? Missed phone calls, short emails, and comments rather than posts.

Well, maybe I will post.

Also, Penguin Caffeinated Mints have made it back into my diet. Taste it!

Monday, November 08, 2004

The new place.

So if you click here you can see a floorplan of the new place I will be moving into here shortly Really excited about it because the kitchen is just amazing. Sadly I will be losing the giant freak tub, but I suppose I will still be able to get clean in a bathtub that won't allow me to do a full aerobics workout.

It is now official...I will have had a different bedroom every year for the past decade. Simply amazing to me that every year since I was a junior in highschool I will have moved somewhere. Sometimes I barely move (dorm room to dorm aparetment in a complex to another) and other times I move a hell of along way (ummmm, yeah.)

In any case moving always sucks, no matter how far. I am not going to fret this one out too much though. And unlike the place I am currently living in I think I will know get some kind of Denver flare going on. We move into the new place November 19th after 4pm. Ken has a 90 yr old man's hip so we will probably be hiring some movers...fine with me.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


It seems like I haven't blogged in a month or so. I was going to post on Thursday but I couldn't log in so I just didn't worry about it.

So what has been up? Well my job is still falling apart (a specific job...not my career.) My mom and sister came to visit. I looked at all sorts of cool things that I could never afford but would love to have.

We also went and saw The Incredibles on Saturday night. What a great movie!! I was thinking back and I think the only Pixar movie that came out that I didn't love was A Bug's Life...not that it was all that bad either though.

I cooked a good part of the day today and caught up with peeps. Only 2 weeks till the big move though!

(PS: maybe if you are lucky I'll post something cool this week that isn't a rant)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Yeah I know...

...not exactly my typical post where I normally talk about the Pokes winning or cooking some chunk of meat...but I was angry...still kinda am, but I'll get over it eventually.

Tonight I am going to go watch Army of Darkness down in the theater. Should be pretty cool,seeing as how screwed up that movie is. Ken and I have been doing fine in the apartment so far. I'll just say that a lot of video games get played to kill the time.

Hungry though. I should totally cook something tonight to distract me. I wonder what I could make...

The ignorance astounds me.

Today is a very very very sad day in America. Forget the presidential race which is a travesty in and of itself. No, I am not only upset about that, but many of the other things that happened this election.

For the first time...and likely last, Colorado was given the chance to split its electorate...essentially giving a fairly representative vote of the people. Did it win? No. Why? Because the Republicans knew they had this thing wrapped up and wanted to make sure they got all the votes.

And then there are the 11 states that passed Gay marriage bans. This makes me want to vomit with rage. Seriously? Look, they aren't going to affect your lives in any way if they get married. If you believe gay people are going to hell anyway may as well let them get married too so they can get to a deeper level. And if you talk about the institution of marriage being violated...well seeing as most marriages end in divorce anyway I am not sure how it could make it worse. Hell it might make that percentage go up!

The good? Well Salazar won in the Senate and we passed the transportation tax. Other than that I want to crawl in a hole the rest of the day.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I am sickened for so many reason right now I can't even begin.

Denver did pass the light rail stuff and the energy reform as of now anyway, so that is good.

The other stuff...well I think I am going to be sick to my stomach.

Election Day.

Well it is still the afternoon, so I still do not know any outcomes in anything, but I do know that I left work and voted this morning. WOW! It took forever! The voting booth was different than I have ever used before. Wyoming you got a little pencil in the mail and you connected the dots. Here in Colorado you get to push a whole bunch of buttons that light up.

I love voting. I was never so disappointed as the time that I went to go vote in California only to find that I didn't register in time to vote in the crazy ass governor election.

It is also fun to be part of a state that won't automatically vote Bush...even though it probably will anyway. It is almost like my vote might almost count this year.

God I hope Coors loses though. What a jerk.