Here I sit
The day stasrts off well when you are told as soon as you walk in, "What the hell is that on your shirt?" Whoopsie, that would be breakfast. Good thing I wore a vest today, time to zip it up.
Last weekend ended up being pretty fun. We played some putt putt and got to go to Tony's, which I always like. My little sis became drinkin age so we went and got a few things to drink, then drank like one of them. However, the SNL this weekend with Will Ferrell as host was so freaking funny I think it will be in insta-classic.
I also had my last training seminar last night. So for all you ladies out there, Tuesday nights are free again!
I finally got as new computer at work as well. Went from a 1.4Ghz Windows 98 to a nice 3.6 Ghz XP professional. It is like a whole new job now! I can work on a drawing for more than 10 minutes at a time before it crashes! I now know the wonders of having not one, but 2 or more internet windows up at the same time!!! Happy days are here again.