Blodnick II

Friday, January 28, 2005

Mid Eastern Food

On Wednesday I was invited to go get some Indian food with some people here at work. When we got there the place was covereed in official looking flyers and it was closed. I didn't read the flyers, but I can only guess they didn't get an A on their sanitary standards.

Just a few buildings down was a Middle Eastern cuisine. We all decided to go there since I had never had it before. Well I guess I had some, they had hummus. They brought out hot mint tea and had a napkin wrapped around the handle. I thought that was odd, till I tried to grab the iron pot with my hand. Yow!

I ordered the special which had pretty much everything they make. There was gyro, and hummus and baba ganouch. I also had falafel and a sausage that looked green on the inside. Not my favorite thing, but I did try it. Oh, and pita, lots and lots of pita.

I gotta say it was great. Next week we are going to an Indian restaurant with the Indian (next to Pakistan) in the office. Looking forward to it.

Have a good weekend and GO POKES! Beat the Sheep!!!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Having a super time

Really folks I am just quite busy. This week I start work on a vet clinic along with a bunch of Verizon wireless buildings. Should be interesting. Well not so much interesting as boring.

Weekend. Helped Ken buy a car, hung out, played some games, bought a shower curtain.

Some day I will get back to posting more regularly...until then check out some of my fine linky friends!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh look what you've done

Wanna hear a story?

K, my friend Ken and I both moved out of California at the same time to work for the same company. We left a great firm in California and kept in touch with most people.

This November we had to setup our 401k retirement plans at the new office. Seeing as we had some from the old office we needed to have it transfered over. Well in order to do that we had to give the HR person a call in California to tell her our new business address. Ken called, and here is roughly the conversation.

Ken: "Yes, may I speak with Angela please?"
Operator: "Who?"
Ken: "Angela."
Operator: "Ummm, let me transfer you."

Accounting: "This is Aaron."
Ken: "Umm, hey Aaron, is Angela out today or something?"
Aaron: "You don't know?"
Ken: "Know what?"
Aaron: "Angela is dead."
Ken: "WHAT?!?!?!"
Aaron: "Yeah, she died in November."
Ken: "But she was perfectly healthy! She was like 35!"
Aaron: "Yup."

Now as an added part of this story, just the day before I had been talking to one of my buddies working out in California. I had asked him if everybody was still around from when I was there and he told me no one had left yet. I wrote him an e-mail asking what the hell happened after I found out and asked him why he forgot to include Angela when he was catching me up.

"Technically, I was correct by telling you that everybody is still here. If you have no body, then you are not included in the term "everybody"."

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Nick the Absent

Wow, I didn't even realize I had been gone as long as I had. I would love to say that there is a lot of catching up to do, but we all know that's not true!

So lets see. Friday I worked and picked up Ken because his tail lights are out and apparently cops get mad when they can't see you in the dark. Saturday I headed up to Laramie to watch the big game. Didn't really turn out to be much of a "game" persay as maybe a huge embarrassing flop, but half time was cool with all of the best Wyoming basketball players through the ages coming out. Neat.

Saturday evening I watched a movie with Keith and Meg then went out to hook up with Abra and Jeff and Nathan. I had a great time. Our friend Rich ended up taking a girl to Sharies with us who had been singing on a corner for money. The rest of us had pancakes and bacon. mmmm, nothing like 3am bacon!

Sunday I headed back and worked a little, got some game time in and relaxed. Since then I have just been working and eating. I knew you were jealous!

Back to it!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Bogged Down

I kinda knew this was gonna happen. First thing this morning the prez comes in the office and asks me to put in some extra time this weekend. Sometimes the movie office space blows my freaking mind in how accurate it is.

So anyway I will still be going up to Laramie, but on Saturday instead. I can't miss the 100th anniversary celebration! Also I need to see the Utards take a dive on our court for a change.

I also want to go see "A Long Engagement" with my absolute favorite actress Audrey Tatou! It was even directed by the same guy who did my favorite movie "Amelie'". In any case it is showing here in Denver. Not sure when I could fit it in this weekend, but I would like to try.

Everyone please have a good weekend cuz if we don't who will?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Are the death of me. Most of the problems at work right now are stemming from some poor information I got from the architect. He blames it on me, I blame it on him, and the building department just wants it fixed.

Nick to the rescue!

Oh if only I could focus and actually get it done. Then I could just sit and stare like normal. Ah the good life.

Sorry for being short on posts this week kids. Hope you are all having kickin weeks though!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Too tired to think

The week is getting pretty hairy. My big job I sent out several weeks ago came back from plan review with a TON of comments. Between that and the 3 other jobs things look busy for awhile.

God I would like to write more, but to bed for Nick!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Am I a Nerd?

You can bank on it. Been playing my game...well a lot. But Iw as a good boy and also put all the Christmas decorations away today and brought home a bunch of work I had to finish up.

Oh well I guess. Next weekend I head to Laramie to see the Cowboys take on Utah...lets just hope something better comes of it this time.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

And I quote

"Nick, January is going to be your busiest month. Be prepared."

Well it was going to be, until everything got moved off until February. Remember when I used to complain about task work though? I could really go for some mind numbing work right now instead of all this stuff that has to "work".

The snow the past couple of days was great though. So many wrecks it is hard to keep track of all the rubber necking I have been doing.

Ummmm, yeah so take it to the limit and stuff.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I decided after I started looking at what I was drinking that I was drinking almost 0 water in any given day. Sure I might have a small cup or two at work and one right before bed, but not much.

This week I started having a big Nalgene bottle by my side. I drank 2 of those through the day. At the end of the day I checked to see how much I was supposed to drink.

HOLY CRAP! You are supposed to take your body weight, divide it by 2, then add 16 ounces if you live in an arid climate. Yeah, lets just say that comes out to just short of a mopbucket of water for me every day.

I'm pattin myself on the back with 64 ounces thank you very much mister health person.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

My New Year's Resolutions

Cook More!
I love to cook. In fact it is one of my most favorite things to do in the world, so long as I can talk myself into doing it. I got a cuisinart for Christmas so I have so many new things I want to try...I just gotta do it!

Spoil my friends more
Hey, I am not married to anyone, not even any prospects at the moment. May as well spend the money on people who will make me laugh and drink beer with.

Fine, so I need to iron my clothes from time to time. Fine, I get the hint. I'm gonna try real hard, but we will see how long this one lasts.

Blog about interesting things
I've been very unhappy with how my blog has gone in about the past month (since Thanksgiving.) I think a lot of it is there is too much going on to write about and not enough time to do it. I'll go a month writing something cool, then another month talking about my new computer chair (which rocks BTW!)

Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a great one (already wandering off to get a beer...)