Well Ken and I are moving tomorrow. I of course have barely packed anything, so while Ken will probably get everything moved tomorrow evening I will spend the whole weekend getting it all done. I love myself sometimes.
I think standing in the cold for 7 hours last Saturday night actually made me sick too. I blew some sick leave at work this afternoon. I took a shot of Nyquil and passed out for the next 5 hours. Gotta love truly is the only medicine that I swear by. That and Advil for a hangover.
The work week was ok I suppose. Busy but OK. Really I am just looking forward to getting into the new place and getting all setup and then going out and finding some stuff to put in it. I think I am just going to be tossing a bunch of stuff this time around. I bought this crap for my bedroom for like 5 I want something that is at least 30. Someday I may get something worth keeping.
Anyway, sorry for lack of posts. I hope everyone is doing great though and has a great weekend. Take care!