Oh yeah!
A few things been goin on. Last weekend ended up being a great time. Friday Keith was cool and bought me dinner and let me drink a bottle of wine. We then watched a movie with one of his friends (Napoleon Dynamite!!!) and headed for home.
Saturday was a mini family reunion. I got to see my dad and his family as well as both of his parents. I was thinking about that and I am pretty sure there are about 3 or 4 times in my entire life that has happened. But I also got to see Grandpa Jerry and he is just one cool guy.This week I had my review. This was so painful. They sat down and prety much told me everything is real good, I just have a few things I should be focusing on. Last time I asked them what I needed to do to get to E-3 level (there are 7 levels and I came in at an E-2). They told me to keep up the good work and I would get it. Well this time it became apparent I was not getting it, so I asked the question again and pretty much got the same answer. I was told that they did have a salary adjustment for me though and to go to her office to get it. She (one of my many bosses) looked at the first sheet and said "Hmmm, well nothing on this one." Great, no E-3 and no "salary adjustment."
After flipping a few pages back she says "That's interesting." drops the folder and shakes my hand.
"Congratulations, I guess you did get the promotion!"
"Uh? Really?"
"Yeah, I really should have looked at this before your review. Not very professional of me."
"Uh, yeah, well I have some work to get done."
I ran away before they could change their mind.
My momma is coming down this weekend and we are going to hang out with my sis on her big 21!