Blodnick II

Monday, November 08, 2004

The new place.

So if you click here you can see a floorplan of the new place I will be moving into here shortly Really excited about it because the kitchen is just amazing. Sadly I will be losing the giant freak tub, but I suppose I will still be able to get clean in a bathtub that won't allow me to do a full aerobics workout.

It is now official...I will have had a different bedroom every year for the past decade. Simply amazing to me that every year since I was a junior in highschool I will have moved somewhere. Sometimes I barely move (dorm room to dorm aparetment in a complex to another) and other times I move a hell of along way (ummmm, yeah.)

In any case moving always sucks, no matter how far. I am not going to fret this one out too much though. And unlike the place I am currently living in I think I will know get some kind of Denver flare going on. We move into the new place November 19th after 4pm. Ken has a 90 yr old man's hip so we will probably be hiring some movers...fine with me.