Blodnick II

Sunday, January 02, 2005

My New Year's Resolutions

Cook More!
I love to cook. In fact it is one of my most favorite things to do in the world, so long as I can talk myself into doing it. I got a cuisinart for Christmas so I have so many new things I want to try...I just gotta do it!

Spoil my friends more
Hey, I am not married to anyone, not even any prospects at the moment. May as well spend the money on people who will make me laugh and drink beer with.

Fine, so I need to iron my clothes from time to time. Fine, I get the hint. I'm gonna try real hard, but we will see how long this one lasts.

Blog about interesting things
I've been very unhappy with how my blog has gone in about the past month (since Thanksgiving.) I think a lot of it is there is too much going on to write about and not enough time to do it. I'll go a month writing something cool, then another month talking about my new computer chair (which rocks BTW!)

Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a great one (already wandering off to get a beer...)