It's that time of year again!
For those of you who know me, you know that I have one obsession that I cannot subdue. One obsession that no matter how hard I try I cannot fight it. What is it you ask? Oh, I think you already know.
Pumpkin Seeds.
And today I bought my first 2 pumpkins of the season. In fact, it is the earliest I have ever bought them. Last year I really outdid myself with 10 pumpkins bought right on Halloween. Personally I overwhelmed myself with the bounty, so this year I am only going to do 2 at a time. The lady at the counter asked what I would do with a pumpkin at the beginning of September. I told her what I always tell people who ask me that this time of year.
I like pumpkin seeds. Nay I love them.
And since I am back in the area this year, a lucky few of you may actually get to touch these golden brown delicious seeds. 'Tis truly the best time of the year (now if only it would freakin cool down like it is supposed to!!!)