The Cinema
There are a few things in this world that can consistently make me happy. Visiting friends, seeing the Pokes win in person, and dining out. But it is always the movies that get me completely wrapped in.
I honestly think that I get too wrapped up in a movie when I am watching it. I put myself in a position to either feel horrible about something I didn't do, or great about something that I did do...not that I did either.
Tonight I had the pleasure in watching a movie that I had wanted to for a long time. In fact I have listened to it's soundtrack so many times I w as already getting a vibe for the flick. I gotta say Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind was a great movie. I mean, I don't know if the acting was the best ever, or the cinematography was a mind bending experience.
No, what catches me most in a movie is an idea. A great idea...and this one had it. Choosing to have someone erased from your memory to remove the pain, then realizing that is not what you want midway through the process and trying to fight it. It's ideas like this, and many others, that make the Jurassic Park 2 and Catwoman's of the world hysterically funny in their idiocy.
Long post short: I liked it. I liked it a lot.