Always check what you write
So I am talking to this new girl that I got hooked up with. We are just kind of e-mailing right now to kind of test the waters. Typically what I like to do when we are at this phase is ask a few questions every email (favorite this, favorite that) just to get a feel for who they are.
Well I am doing this with this new girl when she asks me 3 questions. I start writing answers but I just was not in a mode to write anything good. Then it occurs to me I have answered these before! Thanks to Gmail a quick search later and sure enough there are the exact same 3 questions in the same order with fantastic answers.
Being the engineer that I am I decided how nice...a relationship template. Being all suave I copy and paste my answers over into the new email and read through it real quick to make sure there are no references to the old girl. Push send.
"I don't know where you got the idea that I was in a major accident."
Oh crap.
Don't worry, she managed to form some kind of reason why I would think that. I'm not gonna answer if she was right though. Just gonna look the other way and make sure I check everything I copy and paste now. HAHA!