The saltiest seed.
Those who know me...even just barely, know my deep affinity for pumpkin seeds. Most also know that I find the seeds at grocery stores to be repulsive and inedible.
Every Thursday we get an announcement that the candy man is here. Normally I ignore it aside from noting that he only comes Thursday so the week must almost be over. Today I decided to see what good he had in store. He had everything...and all in huge packages. Licorice in blazing green, jaw breakers by the bakers dozen, and those weird little cracker/pretzel things that I think are supposed to be asian.
Anyway, he also had a great big bag of pumpkin seeds. Not having a sweet tooth today I decided I would give them a shot. That's when the fun started.
I got back to my desk and proceeded to shove a handful in my mouth. *GAG* *CHOKE!* They truly were the saltiest seeds known to man. My tongue is still numb. Somehow I got the idea that if I soaked them in water I could reduce the saltiness. This worked, but left the seeds soggy. A friend suggested I put them on the lightboard to recrisp. After explaining to the prez what pumpkin seeds were doing on his lightboard I decided to just crack them open one by one.
But you all know how lazy I am. In the end I have 2 pounds of pumpkin seeds and no desire to eat them. *sigh*