Old Friends, Mardi Gras, and the Cardiac Pokes
Saturday I ventured to Laramie to enjoy what is typically the most boring game of the season...Air Force. With their slow it down kind of play, normally even the students are considering sitting down and being quiet.
Not the case Saturday as the Pokes went on to win in overtime. Took me back to the days when we were good. That same old feeling that keeps making me drive the 2 hours up to Laramie every weekend.
Last night they did it again and beat New Mexico.
Friday night I went out with some old friends to the bar. Good times were had by all as I proceeded to embarrass myself and endure a Saturday morning headache.
Mardi Gras night for the law club was Saturday after the game. Not feeling up for drinking, I was definitley up for some eatin. They had all this really good cajun food...which later was the death of me...but I loved it.
The Sunday was the Superbowl party. Lots of beer and goodies were consumed (most notably the Pierogies!) Boring Boring Boring Superbowl, but I gotta say the killing the cat commercial was classic. Oh, and how does the halftime show go from bare breast on CBS, to Hey Jude on Fox?
No plans for the coming weekend, but then again I am Nick.