Blodnick II

Monday, October 11, 2004

Time oh give me time.

I am very tempted to talk about the Pokes again tonight, as it seems that is about all I have on my mind right now, but I will save some more of that for later.

Interesting start to the week. 2 hours I spent in the lunchroom discussing how to make things better in the office amongst the other engineers. What got accomplished. Oh I would like to be optimistic and say that some really great things came out of it...but I know better than that and know that all the great ideas we had will never come into fruition.

Tis the nature of the job. If we had time to implement these ideas we wouldn't have the problems that we do. But that is the problem in and of itself...there is no time. Heck, if we had time we might actually put jobs out that could physically be built by someone, let alone be sure to "be nice to your project manager."

I am getting really excited about my cook/freeze weekend coming up. I have been perusing some recipes here and there...trying to narrow it down. Should be for a fun Saturday and Sunday!