Blogger stupid.
Yeah, either that or myself. I wrote up this cool post showing off all the cool things that blogger can do now. Change colors and fonts and all other sorts of nifty little things that I could never do before.
And what did it all amount to? My site crashed and burned. Hard. Been working on it most of the night to revive it. But no frets, it made it back alive...eventually. No more playing with things I don't understand. Even if it is built so Joe Blow can use it.
I have come to the conclusion that with all my friends getting married, others having babies, and still others just becoming all grown up, it is time for me to be the immature one. One day my mail-order bride will come from Russia and I will have to settle down, but for now I need to be the guy whom the friend's say "Did you hear what Nick did?" as they sit down to their family meal.
Well guess what Nick did? Ummm, crap nothing. But something is totally gonna happen! You just wait.