Oh dear Jesus!
I just grilled up a $15 steak and some asparagus and it is the most divine thing I think I have ever tasted in my life. I also made a couple of friends while I was down there grilling. They were making some ribs...I should have been jealous, but then again I did have an enourmous steak. Funny, they recommended that I go to Tony's Gourmet Market to get a steak. Funny, I totally did get it there.
I also got up and went and saw Fahrenheit 9/11. Now I will admit that this was toally set up to let Michal Moore's viewpoint come through, but there truly were some interesting moments in the movie that are, quite frankly, irrefutable. Watching Bush sit there for 7 minutes after he was told about the terrorist attack was simply amazing.
They also showed a lot of the charred remains of people, and the hanging from the bridge, and a beheading. Definitley not for the lighthearted...but at the same time very though provoking. I feel about the same after this as I did Bowling for Columbine (his previous flick). A good, very well told and orchestrated movie that provoked thought. Obviously there is another huge side to the story, but this got the wheels spinnin. I wonder how/if it will affect the election.