Blodnick II

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Hey Kids~

How are you guys doing? Holding in there alright? Enjoying your summer? Good, good to hear it. Hot where you are? Not here, got hot for about a week and never really has gone back.

What's that? You got married? Wow, you and everyone else I know. Oh I know, tell me about it. You mean you got another wedding invite in the mail this week as well? Yup, I suppose another trip to Crate and Barrel is in order.

You don't say!?!?! You know a guy who is getting on a fishing boat for 9 months in Alaska as well? And he hasn't even told you when he is leaving? GET OUT! Wow, well I hope he has a good time...or at least makes some money.

Well have a good summer and all. Yeah? Yeah, I hope to get out and camp too, but then again I say that every year. Good luck with that.

This random and absurd post brought to you by Nick