Blodnick II

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Smokin 'em out

I decided to give the grill they have for the community a try tonight. I made up my best hamburgers (nice flat patties, kosher salt on both sides and a generous amount of pepper) and headed out.

K, first things first...unlike my grill apparently there is no red button thingy to push to light it up. So back I ran up to the apartment to get matches. When I got back I realized I had not turned the gas off. Not caring I tossed a match in anyway. WHOOF! No worries, I still have most of my eyebrows.

Alright, now it is time to cook. High heat on all of 'em. Crap, one of them is for the smoker. Wow, it has a smoker! Crap, it is smoking! Alright, got that turned off. Now I just have to wait half an hour for the damn thing to get hot. Finally hot. Now to make a really good burger you need the good least 15% fat! Fat burns and makes more smoke. Windows start closing around me.

Burgers? They were great!