Blodnick II

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Oh yeah, I'm back!!!

Guess what? After a long long delay I have returned to the blogging scene.

In the time since we last chatted I packed all my stuff up in California, put it on a semi (which got here almost a week after I did) and drove out to Wyoming. I proceeded to hang out in Laramie for several days with my kickin friends, just having a good time. Then I ran up to Casper to hang with the family for a day, then back to Laramie to take care of some business.

I have found a new apartment in Denver which is far too nice a place for the likes of me, and I have gotten all but completely setup now. I mean, I have a washer and dryer now! I think that means I am all grown up!

In any case, the move went great! I had the help of a lot of great friends and family. I cannot tell you how great it is to have the kind of support I was used to having my whole life back again. I am so happy to be back here that I just kinda walk around with a skip in my step all the time. I even start work tomorrow and am really not nervous about it at all. It will be work, just like before.

Oh, one more like the design?